Jumaat, 6 Julai 2012



Stick Up Bulb is the amazing wireless light bulb that installs anywhere, requires no wiring or an electrician to install and provides lighting whenever you need it. Just peel and stick the base then slide in this revolutionary light bulb. That's all you have to do to light up your closets, stairwells, and anywhere that you need light. Use it outdoors in your shed or under your patio umbrella to provide lighting during the evening. It's also portable, just slide the bulb out of its base, so it's great whenever you need to carry light, such as in a power outage.

- Tidak perlu wayar
- Lekat pada dinding sahaja
- Menggunakan 4 biji bateri AAA
- Ringan
- Tidak Panas
- Bukan kaca & tidak mudah pecah
- Cahaya lampu warna kuning bukan putih
- Mudah dibawa kemana-mana

Harga RM18.00 seunit sahaja.Sekiranya berminat boleh menghubungi saya di talian 0169468334 (FIFY).
Terima kasih.

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